Color Kinetics iW Blast TR
iW Blast TR is a rugged, intelligent white LED fixture designed specifically to withstand taxing stage, set, and touring environments. This rental-friendly fixture offers ease of installation and control, along with the ability to produce high-quality white light with a temperature range of 2700 K to 6500 K.
Included with your Color Kinetics iW Blast TR Rental:
- Safety Cable
- C-Clamp Clamps
- Rubber Boot
- 12-Unit Power Supply
We strive to provide impeccably maintained rental equipment for the entertainment industry that is prepped and ready for your event. Our experienced staff stands ready to help you with your lighting, video, rigging & production needs. Rental inventory availability may vary based on date and 4Wall location. In cases where your preferred item is unavailable, we'll do our best to suggest a suitable replacement.
- View Specs (1 MB)
- View Manual (2 MB)
- Industrial-grade constant torque hinge offers stable, 110 deg fixture tilting for quick and dependable aiming. Standard set screws lock the fixture in position without special tools.
- Preassembled mounting base offers a range of options for mounting on the floor or various stage truss clamps. An integral safety bracket lets you easily attach a safety cable.
- Compensation circuit prevents damage to the fixture if operating temperatures rise to unsafe levels.
- Innovative elastomeric sleeve to protect the fixture and lens from the rigors of multiple setups and teardowns.
- Accessories designed for ColorBlast TR include top hats, half top hats, barndoors, egg crate louvers, glass spread lenses, and polycarbonate holographic lenses.