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4Wall Adds Thousands of New ROE Black Pearl BP2V2 LED Video Panels to Rental Inventory

Las Vegas, NV - 4Wall Entertainment, a global provider of entertainment equipment rentals and services, recently added thousands of the all-new film-centric ROE Black Pearl Version 2 (BP2V2) LED video panels to its rental inventory.
The BP2V2 offers the same quality and trusted performance of the ROE Black Pearl BP2 LED video panel that 4Wall added to their rental inventory in 2018.
"Our initial purchase of ROE's BP2 LED video panels was one of the first ROE video panels that were added to our existing video inventory," said 4Wall Director of LED Services, Wayne Romanowski. "These tiles have a proven track record of success and have been a fantastic addition for us. We're thrilled with the improvements ROE has made to this new version."
The BP2V2 is a favorite on camera and delivers outstanding visual performance to the eye. The precision engineering and narrow tolerances on the panels result in a flat and seamless LED canvas. BP2V2's high frame rate, high refresh rate, and low scan lines make it the perfect choice for in-camera jobs as well as live events and conventions.
"The addition of ROE's BP2V2 tiles to our inventory cements 4Wall's commitment to its expansion into the Virtual Production and Broadcast markets as well as providing the highest quality product to our live events clients," said Romanowski.
The new video tiles have already been deployed on a variety of different shows and conventions in the past few months, including the Toyota exhibit at the SEMA Show (Design by: Czarnowski), Supernal's exhibit at NBAA AV (Design by: George P. Johnson), HMG Groundbreaking, and more.
To learn more about the ROE Black Pearl BP2V2, click the link here.